Hypnosis and vaping

Hypnosis and vaping 2

Addiction to vaping has grown in recent years. It has grabbed all ages and is particularly prevalent among the young. So let’s explore hypnosis and vaping and see what benefits hypnosis can provide to help you quit! Vaping poses a number of health risks. Studies have shown that vaping can lead to lung damage, respiratory…

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Hypnosis and Social Phobia


Social phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder) is a mental health condition. It is identified by an intense fear of social situations. When faced with social interactions, people with social phobia might experience symptoms such as: intense anxiety, rapid heartbeat and even panic attacks. So let’s explore hypnosis and social phobia and determine how hypnosis can…

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Hypnosis and Wedding Anxiety

Hypnosis and Wedding Anxiety

It should be the most wonderful day of our lives. But let’s be honest, the build-up can be full to the brim with stress and anxiety. So let’s dive deep into hypnosis and wedding anxiety and determine what benefits hypnosis can provide to make this important day a resounding success! The bride is worried her…

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Hypnosis and Work Stress

Hypnosis and Work Stress

Today’s world is fast-paced. It is easy to be overwhelmed by relentless stress and pressure of a demanding career. So let’s delve into hypnosis and work stress and determine what benefits hypnosis can provide to the busy working professional. The weight of responsibility and the constant demands can take a toll on your mental and…

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Hypnosis for Total Fitness and Motivation

Hypnosis for Total Fitness and Motivation

Do you ever feel like you lack the motivation to stick to your fitness goals? Is your body simply unable to keep up with your workout regimen? There is a way to unlock the potential of your MIND and help you achieve your targets. So let’s explore hypnosis for total fitness and motivation and see…

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Hypnosis and Study

Hypnosis and Study 2

Studying can be challenging especially when it comes to retaining information and staying motivated. So let’s discuss hypnosis and study and see what benefits hypnosis can provide to the student. What if there was a way to improve your memory and focus while studying? Studying requires discipline, attention and a strong memory. Distractions, procrastination and…

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Hypnosis and Stage Fright

Hypnosis and Stage Fright

Stage fright – or performance anxiety – is the fear of performing in front of an audience. So let’s learn more about hypnosis and stage fright and see how hypnosis can help. It’s a common fear that affects many performers Both beginners and the experienced Stage fright can manifest as many physical symptoms, including trembling,…

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Hypnosis and the Mind-Gut relationship


The mind-gut connection is a fascinating topic that is gaining increased attention. Let’s explore this connection in more detail and also discuss hypnosis and the Mind-Gut relationship How can thought and emotions impact our digestive system & overall health? The Mind-Gut relationship is the bidirectional communication between our brain and our gut Our brain and…

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Hypnosis and Job Confidence

Hypnosis & Job Confidence

In today’s busy world, job confidence matters! So let’s discuss both hypnosis and job confidence! Confidence affects performance, productivity, adaptability, relationships, career, mental wellbeing & salary and lifestyle. Building and maintaining job confidence can improve achievement, success & career satisfaction. Whether you are looking to make a career move, want to improve your interview skills…

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Can Hypnosis help with Sleep?

So can Hypnosis help with Sleep? It’s the end of another busy day You climb into bed, exhausted & ready for sleep You switch out the light, certain that you will drift off instantly into the rest that your body so craves And that’s when your mind decides otherwise The thoughts begin to flip in…

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