Using the power of the unconscious mind to achieve personal growth and success!

Improving Sales Performance

Foster a mindset of ‘sales success’, create resilience & improve performance

The Sales Performance Program

This Sales Performance Program is conducted over a three week period.

Three sessions of about a one hour duration are designed to bring about a positive change to your mindset, to give you a set of ‘mind management tools’ that can help you focus on success, develop resilience, enhance and add value to most of the standard sales training methods.

Hypnotherapy can make an incredible impact on the your attitude, for example, (i) by clearing out limiting beliefs and fears, (ii) getting rid of negative self-talk, and (iii) then building your level of confidence. We will empower you to take action and achieve to your full potential. In this way, you will receive sales training for the mind.

Our three step program focuses on the main issues affecting performance within the sales environment:

  • Having a clear goal/vision
  • Motivation
  • Staying positive - despite set backs
  • Being mindful
  • Taking small steps to create improvement in just one area each week

This is not a short-term fix, its creating skills for life. If you use the ‘tools’ provided, you will develop lifetime habits for being calmer, more resilient to pressures and always perform at your very best.

Sales training methods

Selling is a wide subject, covering many selling methods, sales theories, models and sales training methods. Most models relate to seven key steps in the end-to-end sales process. These are sometimes referred to as Professional selling skills.

The Seven Steps of the Sale Process

  • Planning and preparation
  • Introduction/opening
  • Questioning techniques
  • Presentation
  • Overcoming objections
  • Closing
  • Follow-up and administration

Many sales professionals will have already undertaken training in this process, but some may not. By having an awareness of these standardised steps of a sale, you can be aware of any areas where you need to improve and strengthen, and we can then tailor your sessions to help you achieve this.

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7 Steps that can TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!

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